Makers in Residence

Edinburgh Tool Library Logo with 10 candles to mark the celebration of 10 years of sharing
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  • Is your spare room filling up with saw dust?
  • Is your costly workshop whittling you down?
  • Are you eager to contribute to an amazing community of makers and doers, and change your community for the better?

Join our Resident Makers 6-months volunteering programme and kickstart your making career!

Volunteer for a dedicated space

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Use our fully kitted woodworking workshop for your own practice in exchange of 18 to 24 hours a month of volunteering with us, the Edinburgh Tool Library.

This is a great opportunity for anyone who needs space to work in and get started on their woodworker, furniture maker, trades person career.

Volunteering consists in leading workshop safety inductions, running open sessions, running woodworking classes, leading community builds, and so on – it’s only fun!

Be part of an exciting community

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We have 2 wood workshops:

Both workshops are vibrant spaces open up to members and non-members via a programme of open sessions and classes run by an amazing team of volunteers and to many other groups via our community outreach programme run by our staff team!

Help us share tools, skills and space!

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We share. These are the first words of our manifesto. We are lucky to have spaces to use, and want to encourage makers like you who may be skill rich but cash poor in the best way we can – by sharing. If that fits with your ethos too, then we can’t wait to hear from you!

If you are interested in joining the next group of Resident Makers at ETL, fill in this expression of interest form and one of our Workshop Managers will get back to you to discuss future openings in the program and organise a tour of the workshop, or you can email to find out more.