Connecting more people to the tools they need

Edinburgh Tool Library Logo with 10 candles to mark the celebration of 10 years of sharing
Connecting more people to the tools they need 1

Introducing the Edinburgh Tool Network

We’re pleased to announce the launch of our new Portobello workshop, our next step in creating an Edinburgh Tool Network that will broaden our reach and accessibility across Edinburgh, and making it possible for more people to borrow and share our tools.

The launch of the workshop enables us to expand beyond our base in Leith and open a permanent Tool Library and woodworking workshop situated at the community co-working space, Tribe Porty on Windsor Place.

The impetus to create the space came after last year’s successful Tool Box program, a remote tool lending service that we located at Portobello Main Library. On the back of the positive response we received from the local community, we decided that the seaside neighbourhood offered the ideal location to build a second permanent base and start to create our Edinburgh Tool Network.

Portobello allows us to give even more people access to our tool lending service. It’s a space where people can develop their skills and start their own creative projects and adventures.

The Portobello workshop offers a bigger space than our site in Leith, but with all of the same benefits that has made Leith so successful. We are hoping that the Portobello workshop space will bring the community together, enable them to practice making and repairing, and create an informal educational platform to heighten awareness of climate change and how reuse, repair and the circular economy can make a positive impact and help reduce carbon emissions.

The Portobello workshop will host weekly guided sessions on basic woodworking, tool sharpening, and bike repair, working in collaboration with local partner organisations. It will also be an open space where members can work on their own DIY projects. We will encourage the use of reclaimed materials and introduce members to creative waste reduction and reuse ideas.

Tools on wheels – Introducing Eddy Van Haulin

Apart from expanding our permanent bases from one to two, we are also introducing a mobile element to our Network which will see us deliver mobile workshops from a fully fitted-out electric van – Eddy Van Haulin. The beauty of Eddy, is that it will allow us a greater outreach and the ability to further connect to communities that have less access to our resources.

2018 Mobile Pilot Project – The Young Tooligan Program

Finally, we’re pleased to announce that this year’s mobile workshop pilot project is the Young Tooligan Program, a series of workshops designed for young people, aged 12-17 years old. The workshops will focus on how we can build our way to a better future. Working together with High Schools and youth organisations, we will work with young people and get them involved in hands on making and discussions on how circular economy projects can have a positive impact on our lives.

To create the Edinburgh Tool Network we’ve been supported by a grant of £98,044 from the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund, and the grant includes a maximum contribution of £47,147 from the European Regional Development Fund.

The Climate Challenge Fund (CCF) is a Scottish Government grant programme, managed and administered by Keep Scotland Beautiful. Since its introduction in 2008, the CCF has awarded 1,097 grants totalling £101 million to 658 communities for a range projects covering energy efficiency, sustainable travel, local food, and resource efficiency.