Past, Present, Future

Edinburgh Tool Library Logo with 10 candles to mark the celebration of 10 years of sharing
Past, Present, Future 1

Over the last couple of weeks, through various channels, I have bumped into a lot of people who have been asking how the tool library is going and what the latest is.  I thought it was probably a good time to update the website to fill you all in on what has been happening, and what our next steps will be.

Firstly, where we are now.

I’m delighted to say we have a board of trustees.  I am joined by Joyce MacAree, Emma Pattinson and John Sinclair, all young(ish) souls like myself who share in the enthusiasm and excitement for the tool library.  We have a constitution and an application for charitable status (still) being reviewed by OSCR, the charities regulator.

Marketing and web design skills have been donated by the team at If Looks Could Kill, and we have been approached by a willing volunteer to manage all the computery internety stuff too.  We have reached out to lots of other potential partner organisations to raise our profile, spoken to housing associations, local politicians and had informal conversations with funders.   Most importantly, we have spoken to a lot of you, the Edinburgh public, about our idea, and have had a lot of support.  Rest assured, this makes a huge difference to us and keeps us going when times are tough.

In the coming weeks we hope to have the OSCR application rubber stamped, we can begin the next phase, which will be applying for funding.  We want to get as many grant applications done, as soon as possible, so there are some long nights ahead for the trustees.  When we have secured funding, we will be able to secure premises and have a physical home for the tool library.  With help from our volunteers, and donors, we will have the tool library up and running lickety split after that.

Opening the Edinburgh Tool Library is a big task, but one that we are happy to do.  We have already had many adventures and learning experiences, and are looking forward to even more fun times ahead.  If you, or someone you know can help with any of our upcoming challenges, or if you can suggest other ways to contribute, please get in touch.  Many hands make light work, as they say.